Ironed panties and other embarrassments

Why do I tidy up my house before the house cleaner comes? Guilt? Embarrassment? I have always thought if I procrastinate about cleaning the cat box or emptying trash cans, why should they face them? Besides, I want them to clean the big stuff, like moving furniture and getting all of the dust bunnies hiding under my bed. Before I realized it, I was remembering Cairo and Whaby. Each school had a secret communication system the maids, nannies, drivers and gardeners utilized. When new staff arrived in August, candidates would magically appear at our doors. After a long day of new staff orientation, I arrived at my apartment and a lady waiting outside the door; but when I told her I needed full-time she said she couldn’t, but she would send her husband to meet me. I questioned her about why her husband would clean my house and care for my pets and she replied with a wry smile “I am his second wife and he needs to work!” The next day there was a very ...