Goodbye Bashir

Goodbye Bashir

Powerful body, built for speed,
soul crafted in devotion,
you came to save me on a 
sunny day.

Weary, worn, sick and torn-
you saved me-
carrying me to 
a peace unknown.
Free from cancer’s cruel lexicon.

Over the debris of life’s
hopelessness, with hearts
pounding in the heat. We
entered magical Narnia’s door,
far from diseased reality. 
You saved me.

In searing heat and evenings cool
patiently you waited for me.

But it had to end...cruel fate
crushed your body, leaving
no hope.
I could not save you.

You went on your last ride
without me...alone. 
Leaving me only your braided tail-
a shoe and and
endless pain for what could 
never be again.

I hold you in my broken heart
because you set me free, saved 
me from pain intractable .

What am I to do now?

Cairo, April 2010

For Lotfy who spent hours and hours riding with me during the darkest days and who brought Bashir to me. He too left this world far too soon.


  1. when you pass he will meet you on the other side and carry you on your spiritual journey to the next place

    1. Thank you Paddi...the rider and horse bond cannot be described.


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