Feminine Soap

Grocery shopping in China was always challenging made more so by the fact that so few of the Chinese spoke English. Body lotion and face creams were particularly hard to find because all had whiteners, as some unsuspecting women discovered after using them for a few weeks when splotches appeared on their face and bodies! One day I was at the big Suego across from school, as opposed to the little Suego closer to my house, I was in the women's personal care aisle desperately looking for a body wash I recognized, when I saw a large display of Cunt Soap. I did a double take and looked around for a hidden camera or laughing people but no one was looking. Quickly I bought ten, it was right before Christmas and they would make perfect stocking stuffers! The next day, I took my “find” to school to share at break and lunch with fellow staff members. The next time I was in Suego, the shelf was almost empty. Nanjing, China 2012